Thursday, February 26, 2009

Employment Specialist is blogging.

Marketwatch has an article on a trend of broadcasting job searches through Twitter. Refreshingly, they come out in favor of it, with some guidelines.

It is always a good idea for job seekers to tastefully let people know you're looking for a job. Everyone they talk to is a potential agent to carry that message to a wider audience. Of course, don't let employers see those 21st birthday party pictures on Facebook.

Marketwatch's Twitter tips:
1. Don't post something you wouldn't want your mom to see.
2. Don't post something you wouldn't want your current boss to see.
3. Don't get too personal; post job oriented updates during your search.

Employment Specialist's tips:
1. Early adopters will have more success in computer, PR, politics, or entertainment fields.
2. Don't count on it if peers in your industry, social sphere, age group, or region don't Twitter.
3. Keep Twitter in the arsenal even if it's not working at first. It may be too early to see positive results.
4. If a job seeker is not already on Twitter, they should think twice before joining if the only intention is to further a job search. The motives will be transparent and as ineffective as calling people only when they might have a job to give.

If you're wondering, Employment Specialist is not on Twitter.

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