Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Even More Job Seekers

Unfortunately for unemployed job seekers, they are competing for jobs against people who already have at least one job.

Plus, as many job seekers fear during a recession, they are competing against individuals who could be considered overqualified but are premium candidates in this job market.

This is round 2 of journalists finding other jobs, but this time it's not a full career change.

Caitlin Kelly writes in the New York Times of taking a retail job to bring stability to her life as a freelancer.

When a customer mentions the rising unemployment rate, bite your tongue regarding the fact that there are additional job seekers who are not counted by any measures (not even counts of the underemployed).

The article also reveals what some people think of retail:

"When friends, family members and colleagues learned of my new job, some were puzzled, some supportive. Many wondered: Wouldn’t I be bored? Could I handle it?"