Thursday, February 26, 2009

Help Wanted: Sandwich Board Sign Maker

When does the wacky become the norm? Recent years have seen occasional job seekers heading out to city street corners with sandwich boards (or picket sign) advertising their qualifications, but I wonder if there's a point where it will be looked down on as cliche.

The latest story I've seen is from my current hometown of Portland, OR.

The most famous case is probably this man who made it into countless national and worldwide newspapers and magazines in the summer of 2008.

The thing that's most interesting is how news coverage of these individuals can enhance the job seeker's marketability. Do more people stop and talk to the person if there are news cameras rolling? Is it good advertising for a company to hire the person and become part of the story?

I would recommend the approach for adventurous public relations, advertising, journalism, and other communications professionals. From now on, though, it may take an additional twist to make a big splash.

What about a job search reality tv show? There are at least two premises:
1. Shadow job seekers through their search.
2. Contestants compete for a job (a down-to-earth Apprentice)

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